En esta página puede encontrar un mapa de ubicación así como una relación de lugares y servicios disponibles en los alrededores de 7th Street Northwest: Hoteles, restaurantes, instalaciones deportivas, centros de enseñanza, cajeros automáticos, supermercados, estaciones de servicio y más.
Edificios con nombre cercanos Servicios cercanos a 7th Street Northwest Haga clic en la casilla de verificación situada a la izquierda del nombre del servicio para mostrar en el mapa la ubicación de los servicios seleccionados.
Turismo Artesanía - 48mAmerica 7th Street Northwest Artesanía - 270mCrouching Woman Jefferson Drive Southwest 1880-82, enlarged 1907-11, cast 1962, bronze Artesanía - 98mMoondog Madison Drive Northwest Artesanía - 178mPuellae Artesanía - 123mStele II 7th Street Northwest Artesanía - 83mChair Transformation Number 20B Madison Drive Northwest Artesanía - 167mSix-Part Seating Constitution Avenue Northwest Artesanía - 363mDelta Solar Independence Avenue Southwest Artesanía - 304mHeritage Sculpture Constitution Avenue Northwest Artesanía - 367mLunar Bird Jefferson Drive Southwest 1944-46 enlarged and cast 1966-67 Bronze Artesanía - 369mFigure Jefferson Drive Southwest 1926-30, cast 1958-61 Bronze Artesanía - 374mSunset Song Jefferson Drive Southwest sound installation Artesanía - 358mPittsburgh Landscape Jefferson Drive Southwest 1954, Painted Steel Artesanía - 377mMonsoon Drift Jefferson Drive Southwest 1975, Steel Artesanía - 385mAre Years What? (for Marianne Moore) Jefferson Drive Southwest 1967, Painted Steel and cable Artesanía - 368mBrushstroke Hirshhorn Museum Tunnel Artesanía - 378mPost-Balzac Jefferson Drive Southwest 1991, Bronze Artesanía - 364mSphere No. 6 Jefferson Drive Southwest 1963-65, bronze Artesanía - 303mThe Drummer Jefferson Drive Southwest 1989-90, bronze Artesanía - 291mMonumental Head Jefferson Drive Southwest 1960, bronze Artesanía - 312mSeated Woman Hirshhorn Museum Tunnel 1972, cast 1976, bronze Artesanía - 366mVoltri XV Jefferson Drive Southwest 1962, steel Artesanía - 278mNymph (Central Figure for "The Three Nymphs") Jefferson Drive Southwest 1930, cast by 1953 Artesanía - 318mFor Gordon Bunshaft Hirshhorn Museum Tunnel 2006, Two-way mirror, steel and wood Artesanía - 348mEros, Inside Eros Hirshhorn Museum Tunnel 1986, bronze Artesanía - 349mUntitled Jefferson Drive Southwest 1986, stainless steel Artesanía - 352mAgricola I Jefferson Drive Southwest 1951-52, painted steel Artesanía - 272mMonument to Balzac Jefferson Drive Southwest 1891-98, cast 1965-66 Artesanía - 335mThree-Piece Reclining Figure No. 2: Bridge Prop Hirshhorn Museum Tunnel 1963, cast 1964 Bronze Artesanía - 309mCubi XII Hirshhorn Museum Tunnel 1963, Stainless steel Artesanía - 300mDraped Reclining Nude Hirshhorn Museum Tunnel 1952-53, cast 1956, Bronze Artesanía - 244mGuardianship Sculpture Constitution Avenue Northwest Artesanía - 350mFuture Sculpture Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest Artesanía - 303mHorse and Rider Hirshhorn Museum Tunnel 1952-53, bronze Artesanía - 259mWalking Man Jefferson Drive Southwest 1900, enlarged 1905, cast 1962 Artesanía - 289mYoung Girl on a Chair Hirshhorn Museum Tunnel 1955, bronze Artesanía - 285mClamdigger Hirshhorn Museum Tunnel 1972, cast 1976, bronze Artesanía - 298mSeated Woman on a Bench Hirshhorn Museum Tunnel 1972, cast 1976, bronze Artesanía - 272mSeated Yucatan Woman Hirshhorn Museum Tunnel 1973, bronze Artesanía - 320mWorking Model for "Three-Way Piece No. 3: Vertebrae" Hirshhorn Museum Tunnel 1968, cast 1969, bronze Artesanía - 309mMan Controlling Trade Constitution Avenue Northwest Artesanía - 233mThe Great Warrior of Montauban 7th Street Southwest 1898-1900, cast 1956 Artesanía - 205mFigure for Landscape 7th Street Southwest 1960, cast 1965 Bronze Artesanía - 257mKing and Queen Jefferson Drive Southwest 1952-53, bronze Artesanía - 233mUpright Motive No. 1: Glenkiln Cross Jefferson Drive Southwest 1955, cast 1956-57 Bronze Artesanía - 247mSelf-Portrait with Model at Bergamo Jefferson Drive Southwest 1942, bronze Artesanía - 218mTwo-Piece Reclining Figure: Points 7th Street Southwest 1969-70, cast 1973 Bronze Artesanía - 249mThe Burghers of Calais Jefferson Drive Southwest 1884-89, cast 1953-59, bronze Artesanía - 393mGeometric Mouse Jefferson Drive Southwest 1971, Steel Artesanía - 353m - Artesanía - 396m - Independence Avenue Southwest Artesanía - 328m - Jefferson Drive Southwest Artesanía - 69mThinker on a Rock 7th Street Northwest Artesanía - 337m - Hirshhorn Museum Tunnel Artesanía - 352mGeneral Winfield Scott Hancock Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest Artesanía - 355mTemperance Fountain Sculpture Indiana Avenue Northwest Artesanía - 127mCubi XXVI Madison Drive Northwest Artesanía - 215mWandering Rocks Constitution Avenue Northwest Artesanía - 139mUntitled (abstract dancer) Artesanía - 55mFour-Sided Pyramid Madison Drive Northwest Artesanía - 135mAMOR 7th Street Northwest Artesanía - 84mUntitled Artesanía - 155mCheval Rouge Madison Drive Northwest Artesanía - 295mOrphée Smithsonian Pollinator Garden Path Artesanía - 270mGothic Personage, Bird-Flash Constitution Avenue Northwest Artesanía - 173mHouse I Madison Drive Northwest Artesanía - 232mSpider Artesanía - 197mAn Entrance to the Paris Métropolitain Artesanía - 177mGraft Madison Drive Northwest Artesanía - 283mTypewriter Eraser, Scale X Constitution Avenue Northwest Artesanía - 161mAurora Artesanía - 86mTom's, 1974 7th Street Northwest Sitio de picnic - 325m - Hirshhorn Museum Tunnel Sitio de picnic - 342m - Hirshhorn Museum Tunnel Museo - 274mGalería Nacional de Arte - gratuito Horario de apertura: Mo-Su 10:00-17:00 Museo - 329mArchivos Nacionales de EEUU - National Archives and Records Administration - gratuito Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, 700 Washington Email: visitorservices@nara.gov Horario de apertura: Mo-Su 10:00-17:30 Punto de Información Turística - 228m - 7th Street Northwest Punto de Información Turística - 353m - Indiana Avenue Northwest Punto de Información Turística - 363mNational Archives Research Center Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, 700 20408-0001 Washington Punto de Información Turística - 377m - Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest Atracción Turística - 487mCarousel on the Mall - de pago Jefferson Drive Southwest Calles conectadas Listado de calles y plazas que están conectadas con
7th Street Northwest